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Tools of the Trade Media

Build a Better You!

Tools of the Trade exists to help people build a better life... personally and professionally

Inspiring us...

Entrepreneurs takes some crazy journeys.ย What leads to the center of your personal bullseye? Join our adventurers this month and learn the tools of their trade for their life's passion.

The Power of Shoes

Shoes changed Manny's life. And this year he'll reach his goal of changing 10 million lives as his way of giving back.

The Power of Shoes

Lego Master Dan Parker

Do what you love.
Inspire others to do the same.

Building Life One Brick at a Time

Take time for musical inspiration

Music by Scott Van Zen. All rights reserved.

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2 Friends & A Blender

Creativity & A Thirst 4 Success

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Cameron's Passion is Outside

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We love the inspiration and learning that can come from a good read and a good listen!

Whack On The Side Of The Head by Roger von Oech

What Customers Want by Anthony Ulwick

Long Way Gone by Charles Martin

Tribes by Seth Godin

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